(venv) PS C:\Users\hayapi\OneDrive\デスクトップ\so-vits-svc-fork-main> svc pre-hubert
[20:29:44] INFO [20:29:44] n_jobs automatically set to 4, memory: 12282 MiB preprocess_hubert_f0.py:142
Some weights of HubertModel were not initialized from the model checkpoint at lengyue233/content-vec-best and are newly initialized: ['encoder.pos_conv_embed.conv.parametrizations.weight.original0', 'encoder.pos_conv_embed.conv.parametrizations.weight.original1']
You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.
Some weights of HubertModel were not initialized from the model checkpoint at lengyue233/content-vec-best and are newly initialized: ['encoder.pos_conv_embed.conv.parametrizations.weight.original0', 'encoder.pos_conv_embed.conv.parametrizations.weight.original1']
You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.
Some weights of HubertModel were not initialized from the model checkpoint at lengyue233/content-vec-best and are newly initialized: ['encoder.pos_conv_embed.conv.parametrizations.weight.original0', 'encoder.pos_conv_embed.conv.parametrizations.weight.original1']
You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.
Some weights of HubertModel were not initialized from the model checkpoint at lengyue233/content-vec-best and are newly initialized: ['encoder.pos_conv_embed.conv.parametrizations.weight.original0', 'encoder.pos_conv_embed.conv.parametrizations.weight.original1']
You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.
0%| | 0/45 [00:00<?, ?it/s][20:29:49] INFO [20:29:49] F0 inference time: 0.055s, RTF: 0.031 f0.py:214
[20:29:50] INFO [20:29:50] F0 inference time: 0.183s, RTF: 0.018 f0.py:214
[20:29:50] INFO [20:29:50] F0 inference time: 0.186s, RTF: 0.019 f0.py:214
[20:29:50] INFO [20:29:50] F0 inference time: 0.183s, RTF: 0.018 f0.py:214
[20:29:55] INFO [20:29:55] HuBERT inference time : 0.251s, RTF: 0.025 utils.py:234
[20:29:55] INFO [20:29:55] HuBERT inference time : 0.246s, RTF: 0.025 utils.py:234
[20:29:55] INFO [20:29:55] HuBERT inference time : 0.185s, RTF: 0.018 utils.py:234
[20:29:55] INFO [20:29:55] HuBERT inference time : 0.189s, RTF: 0.105 utils.py:234
WARNING [20:29:55] warnings.py:109
kages\torch\functional.py:660: UserWarning: stft with return_complex=False is
deprecated. In a future pytorch release, stft will return complex tensors for all
inputs, and return_complex=False will raise an error.
Note: you can still call torch.view_as_real on the complex output to recover the old
return format. (Triggered internally at
return _VF.stft(input, n_fft, hop_length, win_length, window, # type:
WARNING [20:29:55] warnings.py:109
kages\torch\functional.py:660: UserWarning: stft with return_complex=False is
deprecated. In a future pytorch release, stft will return complex tensors for all
inputs, and return_complex=False will raise an error.
Note: you can still call torch.view_as_real on the complex output to recover the old
return format. (Triggered internally at
return _VF.stft(input, n_fft, hop_length, win_length, window, # type:
WARNING [20:29:55] warnings.py:109
kages\torch\functional.py:660: UserWarning: stft with return_complex=False is
deprecated. In a future pytorch release, stft will return complex tensors for all
inputs, and return_complex=False will raise an error.
Note: you can still call torch.view_as_real on the complex output to recover the old
return format. (Triggered internally at
return _VF.stft(input, n_fft, hop_length, win_length, window, # type:
WARNING [20:29:55] warnings.py:109
kages\torch\functional.py:660: UserWarning: stft with return_complex=False is
deprecated. In a future pytorch release, stft will return complex tensors for all
inputs, and return_complex=False will raise an error.
Note: you can still call torch.view_as_real on the complex output to recover the old
return format. (Triggered internally at
return _VF.stft(input, n_fft, hop_length, win_length, window, # type:
INFO [20:29:55] F0 inference time: 0.067s, RTF: 0.045 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:55] HuBERT inference time : 0.045s, RTF: 0.030 utils.py:234
4%|███▋ | 2/45 [00:06<01:54, 2.65s/it]
INFO [20:29:55] F0 inference time: 0.337s, RTF: 0.034 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:55] F0 inference time: 0.346s, RTF: 0.035 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:55] F0 inference time: 0.351s, RTF: 0.035 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:55] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:55] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:55] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:55] F0 inference time: 0.253s, RTF: 0.042 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:55] HuBERT inference time : 0.028s, RTF: 0.005 utils.py:234
7%|█████▌ | 3/45 [00:06<01:06, 1.58s/it][20:29:56] INFO [20:29:56] F0 inference time: 0.047s, RTF: 0.016 f0.py:214
[20:29:56] INFO [20:29:56] F0 inference time: 0.097s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:56] HuBERT inference time : 0.034s, RTF: 0.012 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:56] HuBERT inference time : 0.031s, RTF: 0.008 utils.py:234
7%|█████▋ | 3/44 [00:06<01:04, 1.57s/it] INFO [20:29:56] F0 inference time: 0.102s, RTF: 0.022 f0.py:214
[20:29:56] INFO [20:29:56] F0 inference time: 0.220s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
[20:29:56] INFO [20:29:56] F0 inference time: 0.225s, RTF: 0.023 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:56] HuBERT inference time : 0.034s, RTF: 0.007 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:56] HuBERT inference time : 0.031s, RTF: 0.004 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:56] HuBERT inference time : 0.035s, RTF: 0.003 utils.py:234
9%|███████▍ | 4/45 [00:06<00:44, 1.08s/it]
INFO [20:29:56] F0 inference time: 0.099s, RTF: 0.030 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:56] F0 inference time: 0.109s, RTF: 0.021 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:56] F0 inference time: 0.219s, RTF: 0.022 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:56] HuBERT inference time : 0.031s, RTF: 0.009 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:56] HuBERT inference time : 0.014s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:56] HuBERT inference time : 0.033s, RTF: 0.007 utils.py:234
11%|█████████▍ | 5/44 [00:07<00:27, 1.42it/s] INFO [20:29:56] F0 inference time: 0.056s, RTF: 0.037 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:56] HuBERT inference time : 0.054s, RTF: 0.036 utils.py:234
9%|███████▌ | 4/44 [00:06<00:42, 1.06s/it] INFO [20:29:56] F0 inference time: 0.250s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:56] HuBERT inference time : 0.015s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
11%|█████████▏ | 5/45 [00:07<00:32, 1.25it/s]
INFO [20:29:56] F0 inference time: 0.110s, RTF: 0.033 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:56] HuBERT inference time : 0.009s, RTF: 0.003 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:56] F0 inference time: 0.266s, RTF: 0.027 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:56] F0 inference time: 0.264s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:56] F0 inference time: 0.111s, RTF: 0.021 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:56] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:56] HuBERT inference time : 0.019s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:56] HuBERT inference time : 0.067s, RTF: 0.012 utils.py:234
13%|███████████ | 6/45 [00:07<00:23, 1.66it/s] INFO [20:29:56] F0 inference time: 0.144s, RTF: 0.027 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:56] HuBERT inference time : 0.037s, RTF: 0.007 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:56] F0 inference time: 0.290s, RTF: 0.029 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:56] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
[20:29:57] INFO [20:29:57] F0 inference time: 0.310s, RTF: 0.031 f0.py:214
[20:29:57] INFO [20:29:57] F0 inference time: 0.274s, RTF: 0.027 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:57] HuBERT inference time : 0.014s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:57] HuBERT inference time : 0.016s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
16%|████████████▉ | 7/45 [00:07<00:19, 1.90it/s][20:29:57] INFO [20:29:57] F0 inference time: 0.226s, RTF: 0.033 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:57] F0 inference time: 0.043s, RTF: 0.024 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:57] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.007 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:57] HuBERT inference time : 0.031s, RTF: 0.005 utils.py:234
[20:29:57] INFO [20:29:57] F0 inference time: 0.261s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:57] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
16%|█████████████▏ | 7/44 [00:07<00:18, 2.01it/s] INFO [20:29:57] F0 inference time: 0.277s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:57] HuBERT inference time : 0.020s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:57] F0 inference time: 0.326s, RTF: 0.033 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:57] F0 inference time: 0.311s, RTF: 0.031 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:57] HuBERT inference time : 0.016s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:57] HuBERT inference time : 0.018s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
20%|████████████████▌ | 9/45 [00:08<00:13, 2.58it/s] INFO [20:29:57] F0 inference time: 0.315s, RTF: 0.031 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:57] HuBERT inference time : 0.014s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
18%|███████████████ | 8/44 [00:08<00:16, 2.15it/s] INFO [20:29:57] F0 inference time: 0.120s, RTF: 0.033 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:57] F0 inference time: 0.267s, RTF: 0.027 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:57] HuBERT inference time : 0.016s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:57] HuBERT inference time : 0.038s, RTF: 0.011 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:57] F0 inference time: 0.268s, RTF: 0.027 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:57] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
22%|██████████████████▏ | 10/45 [00:08<00:13, 2.69it/s]
INFO [20:29:57] F0 inference time: 0.276s, RTF: 0.034 f0.py:214
[20:29:58] INFO [20:29:58] HuBERT inference time : 0.046s, RTF: 0.006 utils.py:234
[20:29:58] INFO [20:29:58] F0 inference time: 0.247s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
[20:29:58] INFO [20:29:58] F0 inference time: 0.276s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:58] HuBERT inference time : 0.018s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:58] HuBERT inference time : 0.016s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
[20:29:58] INFO [20:29:58] F0 inference time: 0.250s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:58] HuBERT inference time : 0.014s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
24%|████████████████████ | 11/45 [00:09<00:12, 2.80it/s]
INFO [20:29:58] F0 inference time: 0.247s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:58] HuBERT inference time : 0.014s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:58] F0 inference time: 0.249s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:58] F0 inference time: 0.246s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:58] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:58] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:58] F0 inference time: 0.051s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:58] F0 inference time: 0.250s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:58] HuBERT inference time : 0.017s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:58] HuBERT inference time : 0.048s, RTF: 0.024 utils.py:234
27%|█████████████████████▊ | 12/45 [00:09<00:11, 2.89it/s]
INFO [20:29:58] F0 inference time: 0.003s, RTF: 0.010 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:58] F0 inference time: 0.254s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:58] HuBERT inference time : 0.033s, RTF: 0.111 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:58] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:58] F0 inference time: 0.089s, RTF: 0.027 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:58] HuBERT inference time : 0.035s, RTF: 0.011 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:58] F0 inference time: 0.248s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:58] HuBERT inference time : 0.014s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:58] F0 inference time: 0.261s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:58] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:58] F0 inference time: 0.254s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:58] HuBERT inference time : 0.016s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
31%|█████████████████████████▌ | 14/45 [00:09<00:08, 3.61it/s][20:29:59] INFO [20:29:59] F0 inference time: 0.262s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:59] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
[20:29:59] INFO [20:29:59] F0 inference time: 0.235s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:59] HuBERT inference time : 0.035s, RTF: 0.004 utils.py:234
[20:29:59] INFO [20:29:59] F0 inference time: 0.228s, RTF: 0.023 f0.py:214
[20:29:59] INFO [20:29:59] F0 inference time: 0.215s, RTF: 0.024 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:59] HuBERT inference time : 0.015s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:59] HuBERT inference time : 0.035s, RTF: 0.004 utils.py:234
33%|███████████████████████████▎ | 15/45 [00:10<00:08, 3.48it/s]
INFO [20:29:59] F0 inference time: 0.225s, RTF: 0.022 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:59] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
34%|███████████████████████████▉ | 15/44 [00:09<00:09, 3.11it/s] INFO [20:29:59] F0 inference time: 0.242s, RTF: 0.024 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:59] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:59] F0 inference time: 0.227s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:59] F0 inference time: 0.226s, RTF: 0.023 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:59] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:59] HuBERT inference time : 0.032s, RTF: 0.004 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:59] F0 inference time: 0.220s, RTF: 0.022 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:59] HuBERT inference time : 0.018s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
36%|█████████████████████████████▏ | 16/45 [00:10<00:08, 3.41it/s]
INFO [20:29:59] F0 inference time: 0.018s, RTF: 0.015 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:59] F0 inference time: 0.220s, RTF: 0.023 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:59] HuBERT inference time : 0.025s, RTF: 0.021 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:59] HuBERT inference time : 0.036s, RTF: 0.004 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:59] F0 inference time: 0.241s, RTF: 0.024 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:59] HuBERT inference time : 0.015s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
INFO [20:29:59] F0 inference time: 0.247s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:59] F0 inference time: 0.230s, RTF: 0.032 f0.py:214
INFO [20:29:59] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
39%|███████████████████████████████▋ | 17/44 [00:10<00:08, 3.23it/s] INFO [20:29:59] HuBERT inference time : 0.038s, RTF: 0.005 utils.py:234
40%|████████████████████████████████▊ | 18/45 [00:10<00:06, 4.08it/s]
INFO [20:29:59] F0 inference time: 0.254s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
[20:30:00] INFO [20:30:00] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
[20:30:00] INFO [20:30:00] F0 inference time: 0.235s, RTF: 0.024 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:00] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
[20:30:00] INFO [20:30:00] F0 inference time: 0.249s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:00] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
[20:30:00] INFO [20:30:00] F0 inference time: 0.254s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:00] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
42%|██████████████████████████████████▌ | 19/45 [00:11<00:06, 3.80it/s] INFO [20:30:00] F0 inference time: 0.266s, RTF: 0.027 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:00] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:00] F0 inference time: 0.262s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:00] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:00] F0 inference time: 0.230s, RTF: 0.023 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:00] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:00] F0 inference time: 0.241s, RTF: 0.024 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:00] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
44%|████████████████████████████████████▍ | 20/45 [00:11<00:06, 3.64it/s]
INFO [20:30:00] F0 inference time: 0.222s, RTF: 0.022 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:00] HuBERT inference time : 0.017s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:00] F0 inference time: 0.096s, RTF: 0.018 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:00] HuBERT inference time : 0.043s, RTF: 0.008 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:00] F0 inference time: 0.257s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:00] F0 inference time: 0.240s, RTF: 0.024 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:00] HuBERT inference time : 0.032s, RTF: 0.003 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:00] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:00] F0 inference time: 0.220s, RTF: 0.022 f0.py:214
47%|██████████████████████████████████████▎ | 21/45 [00:11<00:06, 3.58it/s]
INFO [20:30:00] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:00] F0 inference time: 0.226s, RTF: 0.023 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:00] HuBERT inference time : 0.020s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
43%|███████████████████████████████████▍ | 19/44 [00:11<00:07, 3.32it/s][20:30:01] INFO [20:30:01] F0 inference time: 0.246s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
[20:30:01] INFO [20:30:01] F0 inference time: 0.240s, RTF: 0.024 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:01] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:01] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
[20:30:01] INFO [20:30:01] F0 inference time: 0.221s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:01] HuBERT inference time : 0.010s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
49%|████████████████████████████████████████ | 22/45 [00:11<00:06, 3.38it/s][20:30:01] INFO [20:30:01] F0 inference time: 0.211s, RTF: 0.029 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:01] HuBERT inference time : 0.032s, RTF: 0.004 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:01] F0 inference time: 0.263s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:01] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:01] F0 inference time: 0.261s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:01] F0 inference time: 0.265s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:01] F0 inference time: 0.251s, RTF: 0.031 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:01] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:01] HuBERT inference time : 0.021s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:01] HuBERT inference time : 0.017s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:01] F0 inference time: 0.003s, RTF: 0.011 f0.py:214
51%|█████████████████████████████████████████▉ | 23/45 [00:12<00:07, 3.03it/s] INFO [20:30:01] HuBERT inference time : 0.054s, RTF: 0.180 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:01] F0 inference time: 0.267s, RTF: 0.027 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:01] HuBERT inference time : 0.010s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:01] F0 inference time: 0.276s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:01] F0 inference time: 0.294s, RTF: 0.029 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:01] F0 inference time: 0.097s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:01] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:01] HuBERT inference time : 0.028s, RTF: 0.003 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:01] F0 inference time: 0.253s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
[20:30:02] INFO [20:30:02] HuBERT inference time : 0.015s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
[20:30:02] INFO [20:30:02] HuBERT inference time : 0.026s, RTF: 0.007 utils.py:234
53%|███████████████████████████████████████████▋ | 24/45 [00:12<00:07, 2.90it/s][20:30:02] INFO [20:30:02] F0 inference time: 0.263s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:02] F0 inference time: 0.272s, RTF: 0.027 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:02] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
[20:30:02] INFO [20:30:02] F0 inference time: 0.278s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:02] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:02] F0 inference time: 0.280s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
56%|█████████████████████████████████████████████▌ | 25/45 [00:13<00:06, 2.96it/s]
INFO [20:30:02] HuBERT inference time : 0.020s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:02] HuBERT inference time : 0.018s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:02] F0 inference time: 0.320s, RTF: 0.032 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:02] F0 inference time: 0.310s, RTF: 0.031 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:02] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:02] HuBERT inference time : 0.014s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:02] F0 inference time: 0.298s, RTF: 0.030 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:02] F0 inference time: 0.309s, RTF: 0.031 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:02] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:02] HuBERT inference time : 0.010s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
58%|███████████████████████████████████████████████▍ | 26/45 [00:13<00:06, 2.78it/s][20:30:03] INFO [20:30:03] F0 inference time: 0.235s, RTF: 0.024 f0.py:214
[20:30:03] INFO [20:30:03] F0 inference time: 0.248s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:03] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:03] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
[20:30:03] INFO [20:30:03] F0 inference time: 0.232s, RTF: 0.027 f0.py:214
[20:30:03] INFO [20:30:03] F0 inference time: 0.230s, RTF: 0.023 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:03] HuBERT inference time : 0.009s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:03] HuBERT inference time : 0.032s, RTF: 0.004 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:03] F0 inference time: 0.252s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:03] F0 inference time: 0.269s, RTF: 0.027 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:03] F0 inference time: 0.245s, RTF: 0.024 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:03] F0 inference time: 0.261s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:03] HuBERT inference time : 0.027s, RTF: 0.003 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:03] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:03] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:03] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
62%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████ | 28/45 [00:14<00:05, 2.84it/s] INFO [20:30:03] F0 inference time: 0.021s, RTF: 0.017 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:03] HuBERT inference time : 0.040s, RTF: 0.034 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:03] F0 inference time: 0.107s, RTF: 0.032 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:03] HuBERT inference time : 0.009s, RTF: 0.003 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:03] F0 inference time: 0.098s, RTF: 0.027 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:03] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.004 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:03] F0 inference time: 0.242s, RTF: 0.024 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:03] F0 inference time: 0.246s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:03] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:03] HuBERT inference time : 0.010s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
64%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████▊ | 29/45 [00:14<00:05, 2.99it/s] INFO [20:30:03] F0 inference time: 0.228s, RTF: 0.023 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:03] HuBERT inference time : 0.032s, RTF: 0.003 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:03] F0 inference time: 0.228s, RTF: 0.023 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:03] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
[20:30:04] INFO [20:30:04] F0 inference time: 0.251s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
[20:30:04] INFO [20:30:04] F0 inference time: 0.249s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:04] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:04] HuBERT inference time : 0.015s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
67%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████▋ | 30/45 [00:14<00:04, 3.02it/s][20:30:04] INFO [20:30:04] F0 inference time: 0.130s, RTF: 0.027 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:04] F0 inference time: 0.020s, RTF: 0.016 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:04] HuBERT inference time : 0.027s, RTF: 0.006 utils.py:234
[20:30:04] INFO [20:30:04] F0 inference time: 0.263s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:04] HuBERT inference time : 0.046s, RTF: 0.035 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:04] HuBERT inference time : 0.020s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
68%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████▉ | 30/44 [00:14<00:03, 4.31it/s] INFO [20:30:04] F0 inference time: 0.271s, RTF: 0.027 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:04] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:04] F0 inference time: 0.276s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:04] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:04] F0 inference time: 0.290s, RTF: 0.029 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:04] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:04] F0 inference time: 0.281s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:04] HuBERT inference time : 0.015s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
71%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▎ | 32/45 [00:15<00:03, 3.59it/s] INFO [20:30:04] F0 inference time: 0.125s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:04] HuBERT inference time : 0.030s, RTF: 0.006 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:04] F0 inference time: 0.278s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:04] F0 inference time: 0.239s, RTF: 0.024 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:04] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:04] F0 inference time: 0.249s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:04] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:04] HuBERT inference time : 0.010s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:04] F0 inference time: 0.220s, RTF: 0.022 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:04] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
73%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▏ | 33/45 [00:15<00:03, 3.29it/s][20:30:05] INFO [20:30:05] F0 inference time: 0.271s, RTF: 0.027 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:05] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
[20:30:05] INFO [20:30:05] F0 inference time: 0.277s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
[20:30:05] INFO [20:30:05] F0 inference time: 0.261s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
[20:30:05] INFO [20:30:05] F0 inference time: 0.251s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:05] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:05] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:05] HuBERT inference time : 0.032s, RTF: 0.003 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:05] F0 inference time: 0.098s, RTF: 0.022 f0.py:214
76%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▉ | 34/45 [00:16<00:03, 3.03it/s] INFO [20:30:05] HuBERT inference time : 0.027s, RTF: 0.006 utils.py:234
80%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▏ | 35/44 [00:15<00:02, 3.15it/s] INFO [20:30:05] F0 inference time: 0.062s, RTF: 0.023 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:05] HuBERT inference time : 0.020s, RTF: 0.007 utils.py:234
78%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▊ | 35/45 [00:16<00:02, 3.73it/s]
INFO [20:30:05] F0 inference time: 0.124s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:05] HuBERT inference time : 0.008s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:05] F0 inference time: 0.276s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:05] F0 inference time: 0.292s, RTF: 0.029 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:05] HuBERT inference time : 0.010s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:05] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:05] F0 inference time: 0.287s, RTF: 0.029 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:05] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
80%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▌ | 36/45 [00:16<00:02, 3.44it/s]
INFO [20:30:05] F0 inference time: 0.126s, RTF: 0.032 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:05] F0 inference time: 0.281s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:05] HuBERT inference time : 0.010s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:05] F0 inference time: 0.049s, RTF: 0.033 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:05] HuBERT inference time : 0.009s, RTF: 0.006 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:05] HuBERT inference time : 0.031s, RTF: 0.008 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:05] F0 inference time: 0.308s, RTF: 0.031 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:05] HuBERT inference time : 0.010s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
82%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ | 36/44 [00:16<00:02, 3.67it/s][20:30:06] INFO [20:30:06] F0 inference time: 0.264s, RTF: 0.042 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:06] HuBERT inference time : 0.029s, RTF: 0.005 utils.py:234
[20:30:06] INFO [20:30:06] F0 inference time: 0.293s, RTF: 0.029 f0.py:214
84%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▏ | 38/45 [00:16<00:01, 3.95it/s]
INFO [20:30:06] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
[20:30:06] INFO [20:30:06] F0 inference time: 0.299s, RTF: 0.030 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:06] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
[20:30:06] INFO [20:30:06] F0 inference time: 0.281s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:06] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
84%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▉ | 37/44 [00:16<00:02, 3.35it/s] INFO [20:30:06] F0 inference time: 0.265s, RTF: 0.027 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:06] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:06] F0 inference time: 0.251s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:06] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
87%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ | 39/45 [00:17<00:01, 3.68it/s]
INFO [20:30:06] F0 inference time: 0.257s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:06] HuBERT inference time : 0.019s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
89%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▋ | 39/44 [00:17<00:01, 3.23it/s] INFO [20:30:06] F0 inference time: 0.261s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:06] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
86%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▊ | 38/44 [00:16<00:01, 3.27it/s] INFO [20:30:06] F0 inference time: 0.019s, RTF: 0.014 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:06] F0 inference time: 0.244s, RTF: 0.024 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:06] F0 inference time: 0.225s, RTF: 0.036 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:06] HuBERT inference time : 0.027s, RTF: 0.020 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:06] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:06] F0 inference time: 0.223s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:06] HuBERT inference time : 0.030s, RTF: 0.005 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:06] HuBERT inference time : 0.032s, RTF: 0.004 utils.py:234
89%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▉ | 40/45 [00:17<00:01, 3.43it/s][20:30:07] INFO [20:30:07] F0 inference time: 0.243s, RTF: 0.024 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:07] HuBERT inference time : 0.010s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
89%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▋ | 39/44 [00:17<00:01, 3.29it/s][20:30:07] INFO [20:30:07] F0 inference time: 0.261s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
[20:30:07] INFO [20:30:07] F0 inference time: 0.257s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:07] HuBERT inference time : 0.010s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:07] HuBERT inference time : 0.015s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
[20:30:07] INFO [20:30:07] F0 inference time: 0.280s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
91%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▋ | 41/45 [00:17<00:01, 3.33it/s] INFO [20:30:07] HuBERT inference time : 0.017s, RTF: 0.002 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:07] F0 inference time: 0.130s, RTF: 0.023 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:07] HuBERT inference time : 0.048s, RTF: 0.008 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:07] F0 inference time: 0.126s, RTF: 0.035 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:07] HuBERT inference time : 0.033s, RTF: 0.009 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:07] F0 inference time: 0.281s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:07] HuBERT inference time : 0.014s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:07] F0 inference time: 0.278s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
93%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▌ | 42/45 [00:18<00:00, 3.21it/s]
INFO [20:30:07] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:07] F0 inference time: 0.298s, RTF: 0.030 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:07] HuBERT inference time : 0.012s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:07] F0 inference time: 0.270s, RTF: 0.027 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:07] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:07] F0 inference time: 0.118s, RTF: 0.033 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:07] F0 inference time: 0.254s, RTF: 0.039 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:07] HuBERT inference time : 0.034s, RTF: 0.010 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:07] F0 inference time: 0.258s, RTF: 0.026 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:07] HuBERT inference time : 0.038s, RTF: 0.006 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:07] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
96%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▎ | 43/45 [00:18<00:00, 3.16it/s] INFO [20:30:07] F0 inference time: 0.281s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:07] HuBERT inference time : 0.014s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 44/44 [00:18<00:00, 2.36it/s]
[20:30:08] INFO [20:30:08] F0 inference time: 0.289s, RTF: 0.029 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:08] HuBERT inference time : 0.014s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
[20:30:08] INFO [20:30:08] F0 inference time: 0.241s, RTF: 0.024 f0.py:214
[20:30:08] INFO [20:30:08] F0 inference time: 0.251s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:08] HuBERT inference time : 0.010s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:08] HuBERT inference time : 0.013s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
98%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▏ | 44/45 [00:18<00:00, 3.01it/s] INFO [20:30:08] F0 inference time: 0.246s, RTF: 0.025 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:08] HuBERT inference time : 0.011s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:08] F0 inference time: 0.224s, RTF: 0.022 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:08] F0 inference time: 0.229s, RTF: 0.028 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:08] HuBERT inference time : 0.009s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
INFO [20:30:08] HuBERT inference time : 0.028s, RTF: 0.003 utils.py:234
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 44/44 [00:18<00:00, 2.33it/s]
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 45/45 [00:19<00:00, 2.34it/s]
INFO [20:30:08] F0 inference time: 0.194s, RTF: 0.019 f0.py:214
INFO [20:30:08] HuBERT inference time : 0.008s, RTF: 0.001 utils.py:234
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 45/45 [00:19<00:00, 2.34it/s]
(venv) PS C:\Users\hayapi\OneDrive\デスクトップ\so-vits-svc-fork-main>